Saturday, February 26, 2005

I Have a Habit I Just Can't Quit...

Okay, I've waffled back and forth about mentioning this, but I've finally decided it's time to reveal something. I've developed a new addiction. Have any of you been to is a cool networking tool. If you're on dial-up, it can be a bit of a nightmare, because too many of the doofs on high-speed seem to think it's cool to put video clips in their profiles that insist on starting up every time you open their profile. Unfortunately they are stupid enough not to edit the code to stop such a heinous infraction. Otherwise, it's a fun website.

I am a little wary of putting my profile here, but you CAN find it, if you look in the right place. I don't want to just post it in a blog post.

I found out about MySpace a few months ago after receiving an update email from a band's mailing list. Their message mentioned to check out their MySpace page. So, I did and, on a whim, decided to create a profile for the good of the radio show, and that was the beginning of the end! As if I have nothing better to do with my time than to obsess over my MySpace profile. :/

It's crazy stuff!


1 comment:

Sunshine said...

Yes, the music bit is the initial reason I joined. Also, I like how easy it is to find people on it. I'd been on Friendster before, but I didn't find Friendster to be as user-friendly.